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What is the HESI?

The HESI A2 (Health Education Systems, Inc. Admission Assessment) is a test used by many nursing programs as an entrance examination. It helps various schools screen for the candidates with the highest chance of a successful nursing career. 

How is the HESI A2 exam structured?

The structure of the HESI A2 is made up of 8 graded modules and 2 nongraded assessments. 


Graded modules: 

  • Mathematics (55 questions)

  • Reading Comprehension (50 questions)

  • Vocabulary (50 questions)

  • Grammar (50 questions)

  • Biology (30 questions)

  • Chemistry (30 questions)

  • Anatomy & Physiology (30 questions)

  • Physics (25 questions)


Nongraded modules: 

  • Learning style (14 questions)

  • Personality Style (15 questions)

What subjects are on the HESI?

The HESI is comprised of 8 academic subjects and three aptitude assessments:

Academic subjects: Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Grammar, Mathematics, Physics, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary. 

Aptitude Assessments: Learning Style, Personality Style, Critical Thinking.

What is the passing score for the HESI?

There is no general passing score for the HESI. 


Each institution sets its standard for scoring. Some require a minimum of 75% as a cumulative score, while others require between 80-90%. 


Some schools will have set scoring requirements for certain sections, such as a minimum of 75% in Mathematics or 85% in Reading Comprehension. 

How many times can I take the HESI?

The number of times you can take the HESI depends on the institution you are applying to. There are two types of limitations set by colleges/universities: 


Number of attempts per year: Some schools might only allow a certain number of attempts per set period of time. For example, you are allowed to take the HESI twice during a 12-month period, and you can try again after the 12 months have passed. 


Total number of attempts: Some institutions allow students a limited number of attempts in total, usually around 2 or 3. This means that you will not be allowed to take the HESI again at that institution after your second/third attempt. 

How much does the HESI cost?

The cost of the HESI exam can vary, depending on how and where you choose to take it. Expect to pay anywhere between $30 to $110. 


On average, many schools set their HESI fee at about $45, with an additional $25 proctoring fee if you take the test remotely.  


Some schools will allow your first attempt to be free, meaning you will only have to pay if you need/choose to retake the HESI. 


Check your school's policies regarding costs and payment, as they will have the most updated and relevant information for their HESI exam sessions. 

What happens if I miss my HESI exam because of an emergency? 

If you miss your HESI because of an emergency, you will most likely be allowed to reschedule. 


Expect to be asked to submit proof of the emergency since many schools will not allow you to reschedule under other circumstances.

Where Can I Take the HESI A2 Nursing Exam?

Two options exist for students who want to take the in-person HESI exam. 


You can take the exam at the college/university you want to apply to. Usually, the institutions that require the HESI as an entrance exam will hold exam sessions on-site.


You can also take the exam at a Prometric testing center. Before registering, research such centers and their availability in your area. 

When should I schedule the HESI?

You should schedule your HESI exam at least 72 hours in advance. 


However, always check with your school to see how they handle the scheduling process, as they might have different guidelines and requirements. 

What is the time limit for the HESI?

The time limit for the HESI will vary depending on the number of modules you are required to take. 


You can check this detailed breakdown to see how much time is allotted for each module.

What is the hardest part of the HESI A2?

The hardest part of the HESI is generally considered to be the Anatomy & Physiology section. It requires knowledge of histology, the muscular and circulatory systems, and a good grasp of general medical terminology. 

How hard is it to pass the HESI?

To determine the difficulty of passing the HESI, you must consider two factors:


Admissions score - the minimum score you need to be considered for admission in your chosen program can be considered your passing score. This varies from program to program, with most falling in the 70-80% range. 


Preparation time - the time you spend preparing for the HESI will also determine how difficult it will be to receive your desired score. If you are confident in your knowledge base, you shouldn't find the HESI to be significantly harder than any similar exam. 

How do I register for the HESI A2 in-person exam?

You can register for the HESI A2 through the Prometric website or your institution. 


If you are taking the test through Prometric, either in-person or online, you can access the Prometric website. From there, you select the 'Schedule' option from the left-hand panel on your screen.

You can also call 1-800-481-6457, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (ET).


If you are taking the exam at an institution, you should check their HESI registration instructions. Some will ask you to register through Evolve, while others will have their own systems in place.

Check your institution's website and admissions office for the most relevant and updated information.

How many questions do I need to get right to pass the HESI?

There is no set number of questions you need to get right to pass. 

The questions are worth different points, depending on their difficulty, so the result you receive is not determined by how many answers you got right. 

What is a Good HESI Score?

According to Evolve, a good HESI score is a minimum of 850. This score will be converted into a percentage of around 80%, depending on which questions you missed. 

How long do HESI scores last?

On average, HESI scores are good for about two years. 


However, this can vary from institution to institution. Some will allow HESI scores that are older than two years, while others only allow scores received in the same year as the admission window. 

When should I start studying for the HESI A2?

You should start studying for the HESI at least 6 weeks in advance. This will ensure that you can cover all the material thoroughly. 


However, each person studies at their own pace. Assess your needs and decide how much time you require to have a satisfactory understanding of all the modules. 

What do I need to study for the HESI?

For the HESI, the subjects you need to study depend on the modules required by your program. The most tested modules are Mathematics, Reading, Grammar, Biology, Chemistry, and Anatomy & Physiology. 

How long should I study for the HESI A2?

It is advised that you take at least a month to study for the HESI. 


This is a loose guideline based on the feedback of students who have already taken the exam. It is essential that you are aware of all the material you need to study, as well as the pace at which you are able to review it. 


You should properly assess how much time you require to prepare before you schedule your exam. 

What to bring to a HESI exam?

The requirements for what you should bring to your HESI differ depending on where you choose to take it. 

However, some basic requirements are present at most institutions/testing centers: 

You need to bring an approved form of identification: a driver's license, passport, or military ID. 


Some exam centers ask you to have the receipt of your paid testing fee.  


You can also bring drinks or snacks. You cannot bring them into the examination room, but you can leave them in lockers or other designated spaces. Usually, you are allowed to access these items during break time. 

Can I wear a head covering during the HESI?

You can only wear religious head coverings during the HESI A2. 


Any other type of head covering, such as hats, caps, or hoods, is not allowed. 

How can I apply for HESI A2 accommodations? 

To apply for HESI A2 accommodations, you will need to submit a form/request.


If you are taking the HESI at a Prometric exam center, you can submit a request through the Evolve/Elsevier registration portal. 


If you are taking the exam at an institution, they will have an outline of their accommodation submission process on their website. Usually, you are required to submit a form at least 30 days before your exam date. 

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